Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We had such a fun weekend! Friday night our friends Carrie Ann and Joel came over for dinner We finished off a couple of bottles of wine and attempted to play "Scene It 2" in between the kiddos running around in the house.

Saturday after a quick clean up, Rhett and I took Price and Burke to Kit and Jack's 3rd birthday party. Their mom, Anne, really knows how to throw a party. It was so perfect! Cinderella was there, activities on little people sized tables, stickers, pins, punch and 2 birthday cakes. The boys had a great time!

Saturday night we went over to Jeff's house (Julie and Sarah were out of town) for the best ribs in Greenville. We watched the Clemson - Alabama game...which was awful by the way. Good thing the food and friends were good.

Sunday, We all loaded up again and went "up the mountain" to Bill and JB's house for the bike race. We have really chosen good friends because Bill and JB really know how to throw a party as well!! In their front yard, they had plenty of lawn chairs, tents, food, beer, and of course juice boxes (or juice bock as Price likes to call them). Jase was spending the day with his Nanny and Papa, but Price and Burke had the best time. They both hung over the fence, ringing their cow bells as the bikers flew down the mountain. Price and Savannah played late into the evening and had a great time. Price came to us at one point in the evening and said, "Mommy, I told Savannah that I wuff her and she told me no!" Poor child's already experiencing heart break!

Today, Monday, all 5 of us were back together again. We went to the lake with the Johnson's, Robinson's and half of the Stephens'. The kids were all so exhausted today after such a long weekend of playing hard and staying up late. I went wake boarding today for the first time in over 10 years! I actually was able to get up, just had a difficult time staying behind the boat...I kept swinging out to the left of the wake and was never able to get back in! Jase really wanted to try wake boarding, but the boards that Bill and JB have are too big for him. We may actually look into a kiddo sized board for all of the kids to use next summer.

Now, Rhett and I are in the bed, both on our computers, trying to recover from our long, fun weekend. It will definitely be hard to get up and go to work tomorrow.


Jennifer said...

Yeehaww...another blogger friend...I can tell you're going to be a natural! Those boys of yours are so cute!

starzy18 said...

I saw your link on Jennifer's page. I love that you now have a blog. It's a great way to stay in touch with you!

Love, Rachael

Anne said...

So I finally found the e-mail with your blog address and added it to my blogroll. Hooray!

I'm glad you enjoyed the party! We were so happy you could join us! Thanks for coming!