Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Blog

So, this is my first blog ever. I read everyone else's blog and impatiently await new posts, but it's never crossed my mind to create one for my family. A friend, Ashley actually owns a company that turns your blogs into scrapbooks. I have passed this information along to friends, but never created my own. So...here we go.

Rhett and I have three awesome boys:

  • Jase is 5 and just started K5 at Summit Drive Elementary last week. he really loves it. He comes into our room every morning dressed and ready to go. Jase is taking karate at Scota Karate Academy twice a week. He's now a yellow belt and is supposed to test for his orange belt tomorrow! He will start fall soccer next week at Eastside YMCA. Jase is a great big brother and an amazing kid.

  • Price is 2 1/2. He's having a bit of trouble right now realizing that he's not in charge. Such an easy kid this one was until the last month or so. Everyone says he looks just like Rhett. He has my daddy's eyes though. His favorite thing to say these days is "I love you_____". Just fill in the blank with whomever he's trying to smoose up with!

  • Burke, or Burkey Turkey as he's known around these parts, will be 10 months old on Thursday. So far, he has the most fire! This kiddo is already good at throwing fits when he doesn't get his way. This blond hair, blue eyed babe is a little piece of sweet trouble!

Rhett and I met at Clemson. We've been married for 6 years now. Besides our children, we have 2 boxers, Cobey (9) and Samson (4 1/2). We live in Greenville and love it here. I work at the Meyer Center for Special Children as a Physical Therapist. Rhett owns 2 companies, Wet to Dry Restoration and Mold Proof. Rhett's parents and 2 brothers also live in Greenville. Jeff (his brother) and Julie have a little girl Sarah...she's the only girl in my life...we love her dearly. My mom moved up here last October, just a week after Burke was born. We really enjoy having all of our family at arms reach.

So, here is it. I have no idea why some pictures are smaller than other or why the font has now changed. I'll spend more time on all of that later. Now onto trying to figure out how to let you all know that we have this out here now!!!


One Pumpkin Seed said...

Yeah! I am the first to leave a comment! Thanks for sharing and I'll check back often so you'd better post. And remember, if you don't have anything to say just post a picture of your kids.

And sometimes blogger formating changes from where you write, to the live page. I don't know about pictures sizes, but sometimes adding an extra space or two in your line spacing helps, even if it doesn't look like you need it. Does that make any sense?


Mom said...

I love your blog.
I will be looking forward to future readings!
Jim & Nancy Mulcahey

Candace said...

Yay Kerri! I love it!!!! Your boys are awesome!!! Love you and miss you!

Melissa said...

Welcome Kerri. I am so excited that you are doing this. It will be hard now that all three of your little guys are moving around. The only reason I can do it is that Will is asleep by 8. Cute pictures.

Anne said...

Hey, Kerri! I'll be checking in, too. Glad you're blogging now.